Sunday, March 29, 2015

Chapter 6: Party People

Back home, Alex presents Shanti with her gifts: A Martial Arts book and some training equipment.

Alexander's garden is visible through the door behind him. It's becoming increasingly jungle-like:

Every time he walks through the door he asks himself, with increasing alarm, what he's gotten himself into with this farming thing.

Even after the bit of spending Alex did in China, the Hands have enough funds to build a small combination laundry room-slash-nursery next to the kitchen.

Two cribs in preparation for the big day - Shanti is looking pretty heavily pregnant lately.

Alex loves teaching his daughter to talk. He makes sure to act extra-pleased at her progress, even when she isn't making much at all.

He's read that positive reinforcement can be critical to early childhood development. At least, that's according to "Totally Preggers: An Expecting Mother's Tale."

When Shanti is not emptying the potty and taking out the trash, she reads from the Martial Arts book. She thinks learning meditation may help the health of the baby waiting to be born.

Shanti is asked out to karaoke by Morgana, and she accepts without questioning the choice of venue. She can understand why Morgana might not want to visit her home again, with a toddler running around and Morgana herself still childless.

Despite her personal angst, Morgana is over the moon about her friend's second pregnancy, and admits that she called Shanti out to offer her another promotion after noticing that despite her pregnancies, Shanti has still been performing house calls and helping out sick Sims around town. Needless to say, Shanti is thrilled to accept. 

She's so thrilled, in fact, that she leaps onto the stage and begins singing karaoke with a notorious local drifter, Ian Bowler. She's never been much of a "party person" but maybe this is a turning point?

"This one goes out to my very best friend and mentor, Morgana Wolff. Wooooo!!!"

Farrah Morris, Monika Morris's daughter by longtime boyfriend Gobias Koffi, sits all alone by the door, wondering when Mommy is going to pick her up.

As she's leaving the karaoke place, Shanti gets a call inviting her over to Tamara Alvi's for a house party. She decides to go, embracing her newfound "fun side." Before she can even get to the door, however, she goes into labor.

She keeps calm and calls a cab to the hospital. She also leaves a message for Alexander telling him where she's gone and assuring him she'll be fine, and that he should stay home with Rain.

While his wife gives birth, Alexander squishes cherries and pomegranates in the dark.

A few hours later, Shanti comes home with an armful of healthy baby girl. Her name is Ida.

The next day is Snowflake Day, and the Hands have plans to invite a few acquaintances and friends over for a Gift-Giving party. 

Alex adores Rain to pieces, and rolls constant wishes to toss her in the air and tickle her. Don't drop her, man! I'm not sure I like that face you're making...

The party starts and the guests start arriving. Pauline Wan, a party animal, crashes.

While most of the guests (and party crasher) start the party off by dancing by the boom box, Jamie Jolina decides to make a fool of herself by doing the smustle... very poorly.

"Ouch! ...I think I just twisted something."

Once everyone (invited or not) is in attendance, it's time to pick gifts. 

Alexander is fairly pleased with his guitar and flower vase. Tamara, on the other hand, is less than pleased with her gift.

Serves you right for traumatizing my daughter that one time, Alex thinks, and then spends the rest of the party chastising himself for having unkind thoughts and holding grudges.

Shanti receives a chess set. She's ecstatic; she's always wanted one, ever since that time she spent the entire day losing to Jared Frio.

Her second gift is another chess set. She reacts the exact same way both times.

After gift-giving is mingling. Tamara and Iqbal flirt while Alexander dances with first Pauline and then Morgana.

He keeps a neutral expression as he does. He doesn't want to have too much fun dancing with someone other than his wife.

Shanti and Jamie gossip about work, and Monika Morris forgets where she is.

Before it's time to leave, Pauline gives an impromptu concert in front of the house while facing the wall, and the three doctors gather in their outerwear to watch.

The party is a rousing success, and nearly everyone leaves feeling happy and fulfilled.



This was my first try at a gift-giving party. I really liked it, I'll probably use it a lot more now. Funny how you can play this game for ages and there are still things you've never done.

Sorry Morgana's outerwear is so freaky, I didn't even think to change it until now. Also, I'm not sure why, but a lot of townies have inexplicably put on a lot of weight. In this update you can see Jamie Jolina and Monika Morris are way different from the beginning of the game, where Jamie is skinny as a rod and Monika is extremely muscular. I don't mind or anything, but it's weird.

The garden is a nightmare!! I love it!!


  1. I've never held a gift giving party, but they seem like fun :)
    Iva is a nice name. I can't wait to see who she looks like :D

    Weird question about Sunset Valley and the effects of SP, but have Pauline Wan and Hank Goddard broke up? They always seem to break up really early on in the game for me. I want to know whether they just despise each other in my game or whether they despise each other full stop.

    1. Nope, Pauline and Hank are still together in my game (not married, though). I expected them to break up, too, but they haven't so far, I actually think Pauline's already had one child by Hank at this point. They never seem to fight, either.

      (psst btw the name is Ida, not Iva) ;)

  2. That garden's about to spill into the rest of the house!

    Congrats on baby Ida!

    I like how Alex is careful about not showing too much affection to other women. He's really loyal.

    I don't know, I think the skirt really fits Morgana.
