Friday, May 8, 2015

Chapter 43: Sometimes, it really is that easy

Zoe ages up, and is grumpy about it. She gains the Hates the Outdoors trait. Her full list of traits: Heavy Sleeper, Couch potato, Grumpy, Brave, Hates the Outdoors.

Now that she's an adult, Zoe plans to move in with her girlfriend, Glenda Funke. This apartment is just way too small to really stay here.

She hugs her mother and sister good-bye. "I'll visit," she tells her mother. "If I can." She has an entry-level position at the hospital that Jonesy helped her get, and she expects she'll be pretty busy these first few weeks.

"Well, this is it," Zoe says. "Good luck, Zinnia. I hope you make valedictorian."

Zinnia smiles, trying not to tear up. "Good luck to you too," she says.

Josie gets Racquel to paint another slightly off-center, slightly unflattering portrait, this time of Zoe. They keep it hung up on the wall; something to remember her by.

It's really not very good, but oh well.

Zoe's not gone for very long; the very next day, she and Glenda are back to celebrate Snowflake Day.

As has become the norm, the Snowflake Day party is family only. Tony's here, too.

Who knew he could be so adorable?

Blaze and Zinnia practice their dancing skills for prom. They haven't decided if they're going to attend, since prom falls on their birthday, but you can never have too much practice, right?

Evil Zebra. I'm in love.

In the evening, Josie goes out bartending again for old time's sake. Zoe comes too.

Her mom always makes the best-tasting original drinks. The popular favorite is The Jonesy, a chocolatey coffee liqueur, but Josie herself is partial to the Marvelous Marlin's Musical Martini. That's the one with special ice that emits a musical jingle when it clinks against the glass.

Finally, it's Blaze and Zinnia's last day as teens!

They decide to skip prom and spend the day together, playing video games and discussing their future.

And cuddling.

Did you know that teens rub noses when they're done making out on the couch? I never noticed that before.

In the afternoon, they visit the pond again, and fish together in comfortable silence as the snow melts.

They go to a fancy restaurant, where Blaze orders a grilled cheese sandwich.

When the paparazzi show up, Zinnia suggests a relocation to the arcade. Why the paparazzi are interested in the nerdiest children of two fairly minor celebrities is a mystery.

Reminder that Zinnia is adorable.

One minute they are just two silly teens dancing dorkily to make up for missing prom. The next, they are adults.

They decide to get married right then and there, too young and in love to care what others might think. They spend their "wedding night" together at the campsite near the lake.

They're both inexperienced, but Blaze has read a book on the subject, and it's a little awkward but they wouldn't have it any other way. It's a perfect night.

Zinnia is used to seeing Blaze first thing in the morning, but the context of today makes it feel completely different and warm. She's a little worried about what her mother might say about them not coming home last night, though.

As soon as they're finished eating, Blaze and Zinnia head off to graduation. Zinnia gets valedictorian, to her great pleasure, and her classmates vote her Most Likely to Burn Down Her Own House. Probably because she's always knocking things over and setting small fires in science class. Blaze gets awarded Most Likely to Take Over the World.

Racquel didn't see Blaze graduate, but she does show up afterwards to criticize and taunt him for no reason.

Blaze has had enough. He vows to begin looking for places to live immediately.

Zinnia and Josie have a very different kind of conversation.

"Are you mad at me for not coming home? And for getting married without telling you?"

"No way! I'm proud of you! Listen, you hold onto that boy and don't let go, you hear me?"

"I can't imagine you newlyweds want to keep living in that cramped apartment with your elderly mothers," Josie continues.

"Aw, Mom, no..." Zinnia's protest is half-hearted, and Josie can tell.

"Your grandparents' home is yours by birthright, if you want it," Josie finishes. "And it's big, big enough for that big family I know you want, so you should take it. Live there, and be happy."

Zinnia chews her lip. "You mean it, Mom?" It seems too good to be true.

Josie seems to read her hesitation. "Sometimes, it really is that easy," she tells her daughter, thinking of her and Jonesy.

And so Blaze and Zinnia pack their most important possessions, get in a taxi, and arrive at their new home.


Notes -

I know nothing at all about building, I don't like doing it and I'm not good at it, but I worked really hard on this house and I'm proud of it. It's still not finished -- I keep adding to it as I play, tweaking the decorations and furnishings and stuff, so some of the photos might be a bit erratic in the beginning. But for the most part I am really happy with it. It was really expensive, though, so they are pretty much flat broke right now. Which will be a fun challenge, I think, especially considering what they rolled for # of kids...

Which brings us to rolls! Generation 4 is officially under way! Here they are:

  • Couple
  • 5 kids
  • Astronomer (Space Explorer)
  • Farmer/Nectar maker (I'm just doing farmer, this time)
  • Change of Scenery (done!)
  • Gourmet (again...)
Blaze's adult trait is Brave. His full list of traits is Genius, Eccentric, Adventurous, Bookworm, Brave. His LTW is Perfect Mind, Perfect Body.
Zinnia's adult trait is Family-Oriented. Her full list of traits is Clumsy, Loves the Outdoors, Shy, Green Thumb, Family-Oriented. Her LTW is Surrounded by Family

Bonus pic!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Blaze and Zinnia! A private wedding does seem like the perfect way for them to get married; they seem to be very private types, and it's more special for them to just be alone. And Josie is the most awesome mom ever for being understanding and giving/telling them about a home.
