Friday, April 3, 2015

Chapter 11: Are We Sims, Or Are We Dancers?

The Hands' vacation is drawing to a close. Breakfast on their last day in France consists of all the ice cream the girls can eat.

"Ice cream is so good. Is it better than nachos? I've never had nachos. Rain, are you listening?"

Ida demands attention from the explorer also staying at the hostel.

"Bow to me, peasant. You are my subject and you shall bow to me!"

Jeez, kid, let the guy eat in peace.

Rain wishes to find an insect.

She wanders around for a bit and finds three beetles. She also finds some butterflies but isn't skilled enough to catch them. 

She has fun trying, though.

Rain and Ida have a sweet moment in the Galerie before another game of tag.

Finally, everyone is exhausted and ready to go home. Some surprises await them back in Sunset Valley.

"When did this happen?"

"I left some plans for upgrades to the house so they'd be ready for us when we got back," Alex explains. Shanti is a little concerned that the kids will spend more time playing games than improving their skills, and resolves to be strict with the girls about watching too much television.

There's also a small study built for just for Shanti.

Rain likes horses.

And bugs.

And spending time with her Dad.

"I missed you!"

Rosalind Jolina welcomes her best friend back from France. She and her mother have moved to a larger house, and now live across the street instead of next door. The Wans have moved in next door, instead. Rain is pretty excited that two of her closest friends are now also her closest neighbors.

Same pants!

Ida is excited about the move, too, mostly because she really likes Marlin Wan. She lets him talk about theater and other things she's not interested in, just because he has a nice voice. If she knew what a crush was, she'd realize that she has one on Marlin.

"You should stay for dinner! There's leftover birthday cake in the fridge."

"Sure... I guess Rosalind can stay too."

Shanti also invites over her closest friend.

France was fun, but Shanti can't wait to get back to work. Morgana thinks about her patient, who choked on a fly.

Alexander doesn't have friends to check in on except his nectar, which has aged well while they were in France. 

He's been a nectar maker for a long time now, has mastered the skill and is level 9 in his career, but he's never tasted a bottle of his own creation. It's sweet, like any other nectar.

Ida tries to impress Marlin with impressive stories about the giant bugs she encountered in France, and gives him a beetle in a brightly-wrapped box as a present. She needn't try so hard; he's easily impressed.

Get out of the shot, Alex.

The next day, Shanti has a successful free clinic at the cemetery. Most of the elders show up with various aches and pains.

Alex spends most of the day enjoying the use of the new gaming system.

It's rare, but sometimes he gets a little bit bored of painting.

Shanti comes home from work still in her surgery gear.

"Kiss me, I'm a doctor."

Some stuff from France puts the couple in the mood.

Rain shows off her moves from ballet class.

She has a recital today!

Ida didn't sign up for any afterschool activities. She wanders the town after class, looking for rocks.

"The stone... it sings to me..."

Recital time. The whole family attends.


After the recital, Shanti gets surgery. The hospital researches need a healthy Sim heart on which to experiment, so Shanti donates hers for a large sum of money and a replacement artificial heart, called the TAHU (Totally Artificial Heart Unit). The science behind the TAHU is perfectly sound, so Shanti has no qualms about submitting to the surgery, although the procedure is a little bit painful. Afterwards, she is sore for several days.

~Interlude over!~

Rain comes home with a trophy for Best Dancer.

"Was I good, Mom?"

"I got a trophy! Hard work and diligence really does pay off."

Shanti is very proud of her older daughter.

She still needs to finish her homework, though, trophy or no trophy.


Notes - 

Aaah this is a very disorganized chapter, I'm sorry!! I don't quite have my head on straight, today.

I was happy with how the minor house expansion turned out, though. I have plans for more once Rain ages up, but it won't be 'till next update.

Anyway, who's your favorite daughter so far? Who do you think will be heir? I'll probably reveal it soon-ish.


  1. lol, I think Shanti should keep a closer eye on how much time her husband spends gaming, not so much her girls! :P

    And---she donated her heart?! Wow, she's a better sim than I would have been, lol!

    If we could vote on the heiress, mine would be on Ida right now. =)

    1. Lol! I didn't even notice how much gaming Alex does in this chapter, but it's true he does spend an awful lot of time playing video games in general. xD

  2. I was thinking the same; Shanti should be more worried about Alex with the video games than her daughters!

    I don't know, I still like Rain and her discipline. I think I'd vote for her.
