Thursday, April 23, 2015

Chapter 32: One Final Hurrah

It's Josie's last full day as a teen. She receives some trophies from after-school activities.

Also, she officially calls it off with Nicholaus Frio.

What she says is: "I'm thinking of moving away from Sunset Valley when I graduate. So, we'll probably not see much of each other. I guess what I'm saying is, don't call me after I leave."

What Nic says is: "That's too bad, but okay."

They part amicably.

After that's done and over with, Josie hangs around Mick's a little longer. Oh, Lyndsey's here!

Before the two can really drum up anything too exciting, screams are heard from inside Mick's.

Kaylynn, Lyndsey's mom, is dying.

Well, she never treated Lyndsey right anyway...

Everyone just kind of stands around and stares as Grim whisks her off to the afterlife. The woman made a lot of enemies during her life.

Lyndsey is a little disturbed, and Josie offers comfort.

"Let's get you home, okay?"

"Think of it this way," Josie says when they get to Lyndsey's place. "This time, I can actually come in, instead of being scared off by your mom."

Lyndsey brightens at the thought.

"Oh yeah! Cool!" 

But before they can spend much time inside, Ida glances across the street and sees that her uncle Junior (hee) is having a party! "Come on," she tells Lyndsey, "this'll get your mind off of things," and races across the street.

Ida, Marlin, and Alex are also invited.

What's Uncle Junior doing hiding in the bushes?

It's a baby! "Is that a dumpster baby, Uncle Junior?" Josie quips.

"No," Junior says shorty. "That is your baby cousin, Tracey." Junior is married to Marcie, who used to be a Frio (one of Connor and Emma Hatch's). Marcie is Brandie Frio's sister; that makes Marcie Josie's aunt by marriage, and Nic Frio's aunt by blood. Which isn't technically an issue, but is still a little weird.

Marcie and Junior have two other kids, Jeanna and Cedric.

Jeanna                                                         Cedric

Cedric looks just like Pauline, while Jeanna looks like... nobody.

 "What do I call you? Niece? No.. Great-niece?"

"I think it would be something like grand-niece in-law, Mr. Hand. But technically you're not related at all."

Lyndsey is really good at figuring out family trees; her mother's been married eight times and she has over half a dozen half siblings. She's related to practically the whole town.

Morris Alto is here too, taking statements for the police. He's working a case of disappearing garden gnomes.

Behind him is Lukas Mae, one of Josie's classmates, talking to an elderly Mortimer Goth.

That's Marcie, if you care. She and Junior got together in high school.

Very intense smustling. 

Back at home again, Marlin paints a portrait of Ida.

He didn't mean for it to come out so.... dark.

Th next morning, Josie makes a call to a woman named Racquel Rocket. Racquel was the celebrity actress who praised Josie's drama club monologue. She'd left her card and told Josie to visit her and her boyfriend, Rolando Rocket, in Storybrook County. Weird name for a big city, Josie thought, but a quick Google search showed her that Storybrook was officially the suburb next to the city, which unfortunately was simply called "City."

Anyway, Josie wants to know if it would be all right to go down and visit Racquel in a few days, after Josie's graduation. She can't wait to see what life in a big city is like! She even entertains notions of moving there herself and becoming a celebrity just like the Rockets.

Also, she makes plans to have her birthday party at Central Park. She wants to have one last hurrah before she leaves Sunset Valley in the dust.

She even invites Mindy Andrews, hoping to clear the air between them once and for all.

Josie heads to the park early to set things up and spread the word about her party.

Hey, Cory Sekemoto! Your face isn't clipping anymore. "Want to come to my birthday party?"

Of course, he will!

The Langeraks (Rain and Aubrey) are at the park too, and are also invited. Cousin Harvey has grown into a teen, and Lizette, his sister, into a child.



And wait... is that....


It's Pauline! What's she doing at the park in the middle of the day?

"Did you come for my birthday?"

Pauline smiles and nods, but then turns and drifts away. She's not seen again for the rest of the day.

Finally, the party starts. 

"That's weird, the back of my neck is prickling," says Josie. "Lizette, is there someone behind me?"

It's Mindy Andrews. Still snubbing Ida, it seems.

Instead of picking a fight, Josie just walks away. Whatever, she thinks. It's my birthday! She hurries over to the cake and starts the process of blowing out the candles.

Everyone gathers around her. She's the center of attention, all these Sims are here to celebrate her birthday, and Josie has never felt so good or popular in her life! 

Oh, no. That outfit is so not right. 

There we go. She gains the Star Quality trait, and her Lifetime Wish is to be Super Popular. Her full list of traits is: Social Butterfly, Friendly, Star Quality, Virtuoso, and Party Animal. 

Mom and grandpa are ridiculously happy.

After cake, there is jamming and dancing.

And, some fireworks.

What an epic party! Josie is inspired to go home and change her hair color a little. 

It's not a drastic change, but it's a little more vibrant than before. She wants to stand out; tomorrow she is graduating and, she decides, moving! To Storybrook County! She can't stay here in Sunset Valley another day.

She breaks the news to Mom.

To her surprise, Ida is not pleased. "No," she says flatly. "We haven't talked about your future at all! You are such a talented lady,  you could do anything you want, and yet you seem to have no motivation. How are you going to get a job in a big city?"

"I don't know, I'll figure it out! I'll meet people and network and eventually I'll find something! Don't worry so much, god...

"You can't make me stay here, Mom, this town is driving me crazy. I'm an adult now, I can leave. I just thought you might want to know about it."

Ida thinks for a moment. "Then we're coming with you," she says. 

"You don't have to live with us, but I will be checking up on you every week to keep an eye on you. I can't let you just wander away like that."

Josie thinks this is a fine compromise. She spends the rest of the night searching for available real estate in Storybrook County.

There's one mansion in Storybrook County, in the suburbs, away from urban life but not at all remote. It's well within their price range, and it's perfect for her parents and grandfather. There are also many apartments available for rent, as well as people looking for roommates. She can do this. It's really happening!


Notes -

Yeah!! Generation 3!! I'm so excited! Josie's full rolls are!

  • Single with Help
  • 4 children
  • P: Mixologist
    S: Movies (Director)
  • Perfect Careers
  • A Sim for All Seasons
The "help" will be revealed next chapter, but probably you can already guess who it is.


  1. Hah, single with help. That's a fun roll. Just remember, if the help is a guy, there's nothing in the rules saying the heir and help can't procreate themselves (I did that, sh! hehe)

    I'm a little jealous that you're lapping me... Hmm. But you update very frequently so yeah. Good luck with generation 3!

    1. Aw, you definitely shouldn't feel bad, I'm just in between school/jobs right now so I don't have anything else to do but play the Sims >.< I actually feel kind of bad, inundating everyone with new chapters and showcasing my lack of a life. Lmao ;P

      My help will be a woman, this time. I have a sim that I've been planning to use for this roll for a while now, so yeah. Somehow this legacy is like 90% girls, I swear I didn't plan this!

  2. Happy birthday to Josie! Also, it was nice how she cheered up Lindsey.

    The way she told Ida about her moving did seem a little out of the blue, so I can see why Ida is a little worried.
