Saturday, April 25, 2015

Chapter 34: Josie and Jonesy

Josie stays up all hours of the night, moonlighting until the bars close. She doesn't want to admit it to herself, because just days earlier she had her heart set on being a famous actress, but she's really beginning to enjoy the work. She's tired from staying up so many nights in a row, though, so she decides to give herself a little day off and go on a date.

There is a boy: his name is Jones Mallow and Josie noticed him at a bar last night because his sweater looked really soft, and she was a little buzzed, and insisted on feeling it to see if it was as soft as it looked. She likes him because he let her, and because he didn't complain when she decided it was a good idea to grope him a little when no one was looking, but also because he didn't let it go further since she was drunk.

Oh, good, he's cute, Josie thinks. She was a little too out of it last night to really be able to tell.

"So, Jones, what do you do?" she asks him, trying to be flirtatious without being too pushy. He doesn't really seem like the outspoken type.

Jones wants to be a doctor, he says. Also, everyone calls him Jonesy.

"My grandma was a doctor," Josie says. "You don't really look like a doctor, though. More like... a member of a boy band." Jonesy looks away, and Josie curses herself inwardly. Outwardly, she laughs it off. "In a good way! You're totally cute. Hey, is it weird that our names kind of rhyme?"

Jonesy: "Oh, yeah, totally... do you maybe want to go bowling?"

Josie: "Prepare. To get. Schooled."

Jonesy: "Um, okay."

Not bad...

...Bad. Josie can't stop laughing. When Jonesy's next attempt goes straight in the gutter, she has to stop from laughing so much. Jonesy is laughing, too.

"You were.. so... bad... on your face... it was hilarious." Jonesy grins at Josie, but seems to be at a loss for words. It's a little awkward, but suddenly Josie sees someone she recognizes.

"Mom! Come meet my cool new friend!"

Ida thinks the family is settling well into Storybrook. "You can't see the stars as well as you can in Sunset Valley, though."

Marlin is here too. Josie is, as always, very glad to see her dad.

And of course, she shows Jonesy off to him too.

Jones: "I think it's so great that you're close with your family. I left my parents behind in Starlight Shores, and I miss them a lot." It's the longest sentence Jonesy's put together all day.

After bowling, Josie wants to go clubbing.

"Come on, dance with me!" she laughs, and Jonesy joins her on the dance floor. He keeps a respectable distance between them and there is no inappropriate touching whatsoever. Josie is mildly disappointed.

She's had a bit to drink, which is why, when they're both out of breath and taking a break, she doesn't think before speaking.

"Do you like me at all, Jonesy?" she asks. At his confused look, she continues, "Well, you just, you smile a lot, and you don't really talk to me, and you don't notice me!" She hates that she sounds like a petulant child.

"I notice you," Jonesy says, confused.

"You don't notice me enough," she pouts, and he chuckles a little. "Are you laughing at me, Jonesy?"

"No," Jones says. "It's just, I think it's pretty much impossible not to notice you? So it's funny. You know, I'm a little... you know, shy? So I don't usually make the first move, that's all. But if you want to fool around, I'm totally down? Unless that's not what you want, in which case I'll just find a corner to hide my face in..."

Josie laughs, relieved. "Well, there's no need for that..."


They decide to go back to Josie's place, where Josie makes drinks and they chat and make out.

One thing leads to another...

"It's my first time, is that weird for you?" Josie isn't nervous, not really, but she does want her first woohoo to be good....

"I'll make it good for you," Jonesy promises, as if reading her mind.

And he does.

Meanwhile, Racquel gets a promotion. She uses her bonus to get a tattoo, just for fun.

She recently started a rumor in town that she and Rolando used to be pirates, terrorizing the seas around Isla Paradiso, and she wants to perpetuate it as much as possible. Just to see if people become uncomfortable or terrified around her. It's a fun little social experiment.

She and Rolando then go on a date of their own. Mostly, it's just this:

Hey, whatever floats your boat, guys.

The next day is Leisure Day. Josie and Racquel argue about what to serve at their party.

Josie wants nachos - Cheap, popular, easy to serve. The perfect party food. Racquel wants to serve flamin' hot Cheetos.

They compromise on pizza, with spicy toppings.

That's Theodore Lum. He's the director at Plumbob Pictures, and therefore Racquel's boss. They don't really get along.

Ida arrives, greeting Jonesy, the handsome boy her daughter is seeing.

Josie serves Flaming Waylons while Racquel chats with one of her celerity friends, Venus Pierce, about how she convinced the Bakers to get rid of their smoke alarm. They don't know their son is a pyromaniac.

Nuwa Wilder, another celeb acquaintance of Racquel, documents the party on her twitter.

Alexander and an elderly Marlin get accosted near the elevators by a redhead, Gwen Glover-Hozny. As far as anyone knows, she wasn't invited.

Josie greets her mother and ignores a sour-faced Sabrina Funke, another crasher. Rolando is engrossed in someone's very poor piano-playing skills.

In fact, the guest's playing is so bad that Josie eventually shoos her off the bench and takes her place.

Now that's more like it!

Out on the terrace, Marlin also entertains for Theodore Lum and Rolando.

The view from the terrace is pretty fantastic.

In the evening, there's some group smustling. Well, mostly just Ida and Josie. Sabrina Funke is doing her own thing.

The party is an epic success. Josie is proud of having thrown her first great party in Storybrook County.

Apparently, Jonesy is inspired, because he throws a swimwear party at his apartment the very next day. He even invites a lot of the same guests. Josie doesn't mind; imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

It's a fun party, too. Lots of juice. In fact, maybe a bit too much juice...

That's Sabrina Funke and Gwen Glover-Hozny, making out. Both are married women with children.

Nuwa Wilder starts talking to Jonesy's cat in her jucie-addled state. She thinks she's talking to the mayor.

Josie and Jonesy sneak off for a bit of party sex, and Josie ends up staying the night.

It's the first time she's staying over a boy's house. Exciting!

Racquel is getting ready for bed, worrying over something the director said today that didn't make sense. Racquel knows for sure that the scene would have worked out better if she had said her lines the way she wanted to say them, but her Theodore made her change it. There's a nagging little voice in the back of her head that says she could be a better director than Theodore Lum blindfolded, but she ignores it. She's an actress, what does she know about directing?

Still, she can't get to sleep, so she throws off the covers and begins to type out some of her ideas. Just for catharsis, of course.

She winds up staying up well into the night, ideas flowing from her artistic mind into the keyboard.


Notes -

Jonesy is cute. I don't remember all of his traits, though. Shy, Good Sense of Humor, Friendly... something something. They're cute together, but what would their couple name be... Jonsie? Josey? It just doesn't work.

Josie's mixology skill is level 6, she's moving pretty fast, and Racquel is level 4 of her career. So she's not an actress, technically, but for story purposes she's an actress who becomes a director. Both her and Josie are 2-star celebs.

For Perfect careers, Josie needs to max mixology and Racquel needs to max writing, and be a five-star celeb. So I added some 5- star celebs to the town because it would be impossible otherwise. We haven't met any of them yet; the celeb guests at the party are all one- and two-star celebrities.

Thanks for reading! =)

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Jonesy is cute! And the family seems to like him.

    It's Josie's first time, aw. I wonder how much she really likes Jonesy...
