Sunday, April 5, 2015

Chapter 14: Birthday, Prom, and Wait, What Is That Thing?

It's finally, finally, finally Ida's teenage birthday and she's so excited she can hardly speak. "Slow down," her classmate says through the phone. "Your birthday party is when? And did I just hear a toilet flush?"

"It's today. Saturday. At noon, because prom is today and my sister is going, and I don't know if I'm supposed to go 'cause I haven't started at the high school yet, but I guess maybe I'll go, if.. um, if 'someone'... is going....but anyway!! Invite everyone! I don't care if I know them or not. This has to be the biggest party, like, ever! OK?"

Everything perfect? Yes? OK.

Ida invited Aubrey Langerak, without realizing that he's already here.

"Aubrey, what are you doing here all the time? Doesn't your mother miss you?' Shanti asks as she repeatedly K.O's Aubrey's avatar. 

"Not really!" Aubrey pipes. "My parents are divorced, and Mother is really busy, and there's a baby now, so... it's much nicer here 'cause there's video games and things! Plus, you're really nice."

Poor Aubrey. No one really likes him much.

The party starts and Ida runs around telling everyone it's her birthday even though this is her birthday party so of course it's her birthday....

She's just too excited to contain herself. Actually, she doesn't even know half these people, but it's okay because they're all really nice and tell her happy birthday and she just loves hearing those words, it feels like she's been waiting forever...

Rosalind somehow gets herself stuck behind the couch. She doesn't mind, though, because this means no one can try and talk to her. Also in the shot is River Bachelor, one of two party crashers (the second is Vita Alto). 

Ida wishes for Marlin to like her once she ages up. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease she chants in her head as she blows out the candles.

She gains the over-emotional trait (despite how emotionless she looks in this shot). Actually she grew up quite stunning, I think. Seems Marlin agrees... ;)

Not that hair, though.

Cake traffic!

Ida sneaks off to fix her hair. She's decided to try and attend prom tonight, since Rain exasperatedly admitted to her that yes, Marlin is planning on attending, and no, he doesn't have a date, and no, she doesn't know if he likes anyone currently. 

Um. No.

Yes, better. The hat suits her.

As soon as he's finished with his cake, Ida runs up to talk to Marlin. She hesitates for only a second, her heart beating so fast she feels it'll burst right through her chest. Her first conversation with her crush as a teenager... she feels giddy.

"Your sister is right, I've not got a date for prom," Marlin answers, a bit sheepish. "I wanted to wait for the right person, you know..." Marlin has the hopeless romantic trait.

"In that case, would you consider taking me? To prom, I mean? I don't actually know if I'm allowed but I think I'm going to go anyway, and I really, um, I really like you, like a LOT, and-"

Marlin interrupts her with a hug.

"Of course, I'd love to take you," he says in her ear, and all she can think is He likes me? He said he wanted to take the right person, am I the right person? He likes me???

Um, yeah. I think he likes you, girl.

Hugging a boy feels way different when you're both teenagers...

Ida thinks her party went better than she ever could have hoped for.

Rain, frustrated that her baby sister has a date to prom and she still doesn't, decides to paint her feelings.

The party ends just as the girls' limo for prom arrives.

Rain heads out first while Ida hurriedly fixes her outfit.

"Don't leave without me!"

And they're off.

Everyone at the party left except this random kid no one knows, who plays video games well into the night.

At prom, Marlin is an attentive date, bringing Ida punch and smiling at her the whole time. Rain, on the other hand, starts the dance off poorly by getting into a fight with a girl who's wearing the same dress as her. The nerve!

Things start to look up for Rain as she dances and socializes. She's actually one of the most popular girls in school, and although no one shows a serious romantic interest in her, there's no shortage of people wanting a dance with her. By the end of the night, she's won Prom Queen!

Towards the end of the dance, the band plays Ida's favorite song. She's just closing her eyes to enjoy the music when someone comes up behind her, startling her. She barely has time to see who it is before Marlin is kissing her! Ida nearly faints. Marlin holds her close and leads her to the dance floor, and once the dance is over, he asks her to go steady. Ida nearly knocks him over with her enthusiastic "Yes!"

Ida goes to bed happier than she's ever been. 

The next morning sees the girls working on hobbies. Ida checks out the sky in her underwear. She looks for alien spaceships and robotic satellites and the like.

Rain paints.

And works on maintaining her figure.

(Yes, she is painting the gnome).

In the afternoon, Ida meets Marlin at Varg's Tavern. She greets him with a kiss, because she can do that now and that's endlessly exciting to her.

Marlin can't stay, he has to go to work. Ida is disappointed, but lets him go. 

After a few minutes of exploring the tavern, Ida decides to just go home. She's just calling a cab when she notices something mysterious and shiny and large across the street, near the junkyard.

It looks like something out of one of her sci-fi games. 

She stands around poking at it, but nothing happens. 

Ida leaves after a while, but her curiosity is piqued. What could the mysterious object be? 

Inspired by the science-fictiony object, Ida spends the rest of the day playing games and using the telescope. Maybe the object was dropped by aliens?

She finds a star, but no UFOs. 

Alexander finishes a portrait of Rain and listens politely to his daughter spout nonsense about futuristic alien technology and identifying unidentified flying objects.

Oh yeah, it's fall now. Notice the outfit changes.

Shanti is reading this week's book club book, a novel titled "Woohoo in the Wastelands." It's kind of a guilty pleasure.

Ida describes the mysterious object to Marlin over the phone during his break. She's a little worried he'll think her weird for being so interested in weird things, but Marlin is supportive and enthusiastic about discovering the secret behind the object. He suggests that it could be something someone made on the inventing bench; he knows there's one in the fire station. Maybe Ida could replicate it? 

Ida likes the idea. She begins working on her handiness skill immediately.

And signs up for shop club.

Maybe, she thinks, if she gets really good grades and upgrades appliances around the house, her parents will agree to buy her an inventing bench. 


Notes - 

Hooray for Ida! She's the heir. She rolled Inventor/Bot-Builder, so I think I'm going to have her invent as a hobby, and build bots as her career. I really like her so far, I think she's becoming one of my favorite born-in-game Sims. And I like Marlin, too, and his cute, slightly goofy-looking face.

Comments are always appreciated! <3


  1. Oh yay! Ida is the heiress. <3 She and Marlin make a pretty cute couple, I hope he and his slightly goofy looking face sticks around.

    My sim Jack has that same career roll, I had never done the bot building before, so of course I had to try that out. =)

    1. I've never played with bot building either, I'm pretty excited to try it as well. It seems pretty fun!

      Thanks for reading!

  2. I really like the way Ida is developing; she's a very curious type of person, and it fits with her personality. And Marlin really did like her; yay!

    1. Thanks! I really like Ida, too, she's a lot of fun :)
