Thursday, April 9, 2015

Chapter 17: Rain Leaves

Alexander is very close to the top of his career. He dutifully tends his garden every morning, looking forward to the day he can say that he is the absolute most proficient nectar maker in the Sim world.

Magic gnome helps with the garden, too.

Shanti and Alex are not the only ones who've turned elder recently.

Morgana Wolff is rather unhappy about becoming an elder, since this means she can never have children.

"I don't know what I was expecting," says Morgana. "I always felt there was more time, that one day I would convince Thornton to finally start a family. And now it's too late. There wasn't time, after all..."

Shanti does her best to comfort her friend, but she knows whatever words she has won't be enough. She offers up hugs and distractions, instead.

"Want to come inside and play video games or something?"

"Yes, please!"

"Young man, you know there are pills to help with that kind of aggression," she tells Aubrey Langerak, who ignores her and continues angrily smacking the controller at random. Shanti is really good at fighting games.

Alex finishes up in the garden and wants to play, so Shanti relinquishes her spot and gets up to dance with Morgana.

These old ladies got moves!

...Aaaand back to video games.

Rain and Rosalind meet up as well.

Look how cute they are in their little outerwear outfits!

Their birthdays are coming up, and Rain has been thinking of moving out, trying to make her way up from the bottom like her mother did. She wants to know if Rosalind will agree to be her roommate once they are young adults.

Rosalind surprises her by pulling her into a big hug. "I wouldn't want to room with anyone else." she says.

"Well, actually," she amends, "could Dana come live with us too? His parents died recently, and he hasn't got anywhere to stay so he's been staying with my mom and me, and I don't want to leave him there if I'm moving out..." Dana Andrews is Rosalind's boyfriend, and won't be aging up for another several days. Rain agrees that the three of them will find a place first thing after Rain's birthday.

"We should get some exotic pets!"

"I am reading your thoughts... I am reading... I am... What's this? You're moving out? When were you going to tell your mother and me?"

"What??? Dad, how did you know that? You didn't.. you didn't really read my mind, did you?"

"Ahahaha! No, I overheard you through the garden room window. I can't believe you really thought I could read minds! You're so gullible, Rain." Alexander continues laughing for several minutes. He's become quite mischievous in his old age.

Ida spends a lot of time hanging around the junk shop, these days. You'd be surprised what you can find digging through piles of garbage and scrap metal.

Other Sims follow her lead. In this shot are Shana Wan and Morris Alto, working on their homework and chatting. Apparently Ida is a trendsetter now.

She divides her time equally between collecting scrap and contemplating the Unidentified Shiny Object. 

She's spent some time with the inventor's bench already, but somehow she doesn't feel like she's on the right track to finding out what the Object is. 

All she's made so far is this smashy thingamabob.

Ida thinks it's pretty cool, but it's not anything near the mysterious junkyard object. I'll just keep trying, she tells herself. I'll get there some day. Haha, you're starting to sound like Rain!

Rain: "Through tireless work and determination..." blah blah cupcakes.

Actually though, Rain's come quite far with her Martial Arts training. She's evenly matched with Shanti, now.

Well, this should be interesting.

"Cannonball attack!"

"I'll kick you in the head!"

"Oh yeah? I'll kick YOU in the head!"

Shanti wins, but barely. 

Rain: "Ow, my back. Mom, did you have to smack me that hard? Mom? Are you listening?"
Shanti: "Hmm? Gotta tinkle..."

Yes! Alexander is finally at the top of his career.

Victory dance! Alex makes a really cute old man, I think.

He decides that from now on, he's going to focus on making delicious-tasting, perfect-quality nectar to store in the cellar, rather than selling it. He wants his family to be able to enjoy his nectar even generations after he's gone. 

Shanti and Ida both come home one day with trophies; Shanti's is for vaccinating the town, and Ida's is for building a really sweet bridge in shop club.

Riding the high of her success in school, Ida tries to make herself some mac and cheese.

Oh no! They don't even have a smoke alarm! Gah.

Having the brave trait comes in handy. Haha, get it, handy? 'Cause she's got the handiness skill? ...yeah, that was bad.

"Whoa! All that saving the day stuff really tired me out. But I'm still hungry..."

How about a nice, safe salad?

Alexander just can't believe how they could be so irresponsible as to completely forget to buy a smoke alarm for the house. It worked out okay this time, thanks to Ida, but someone could have been seriously hurt!

....Yeah, okay, I get the hint, buddy.


The next day is Rain's last day of high school.

"You'll be okay without me, won't you? Try not to rely on Mom and Dad too much."

"Wow, okay. I'll be fine, I'm more worried about you. How long d'you think you'll last before Rosalind and Dana kick you out for being a pain in the ass?"

They bicker playfully during the entire bus ride. They're saving the more serious good-byes for later.

That afternoon, Rain hosts a small birthday party for herself. In attendance are Earl Steel, Marlin Wan, Aubrey Langerak, and Rosalind Jolina. Also, this cat somehow crashes the party and starts attacking Alex.

Ida thinks her dad getting beat up by a kitten is pretty hilarious.

The cat gets its claws on Rosalind, and then sets its sights on Earl Steel.

Watch out, Earl!

Birthday face! Aubrey is really excited. Rain wonders what her adult trait is going to be.

Her new trait is Perfectionist. All her traits have been randomized, and I'm surprised they mesh so well.

While her guests nosh on cake, the deranged cat noshes on Rain's ankles.

Ouch :(.

After cake there is dancing. Ida discovers her boyfriend has aged into a young adult, feels weird about it for a second. Not weird enough to stop her from dancing with him, though.

YA Marlin loses most of the dorkiness of his childhood face, and becomes quite handsome.

As kids they had the same pants; now they're brown leather jacket buddies.

"I found a place that's perfect for us," Rain tells Rosalind. "Let's make the move first thing in the morning, okay?"

Rosalind agrees. "I can't believe we're really doing this! It's so exciting, we're like real adults and everything."

Ida gets a little emotional. And I just realized I'm having Rain and Ida both wear the same leather jacket-striped shirt combo. Ugh, sorry.

"Happy birthday," says Ida, hugging her sister. "Gonna miss you," she whispers so no one can hear.

"Silly," Rain says. "I'll still be in town. And I'm not leaving till tomorrow, anyway."

After most of the guests leave and the rest of the family is in bed, Rain spends a few minutes alone with her boyfriend. The relationship is still new, and she doesn't know if she's truly in love with him, at least not yet. Plus there's the awkwardness of him still being a teenager. Despite her questioning, though, they still have a good time dancing.

The next morning is the big move. Rain goes upstairs to say good-bye to her parents.

"Dad, I love you. Take care of Ida, okay? I'll miss you like hell, you always cared so much about our happiness. Thank you for everything."

"Take care, daughter. I'll send you some nectar in the mail."

"Mom," Rain says, moving forward to embrace Shanti. "You are my role model. You taught me everything I know. I love you, and I'll miss you."

"Be good, Rain," Shanti says. "Remember to exercise your mind as well as your body. Don't forget to change your sheets often; a clean bed is a clean life. And call me if you ever want to spar again."

Finally, Rain heads downstairs to say a final good-bye to her sister. 

They don't speak, and instead simply share a long, fierce hug. And then, Rain is gone.


Notes -

Sorry if Rain's departure was a little drawn out, or cheesy. It was really hard to let go of her, for some reason. I know I was complaining about the teen stage being long but... her birthday kind of snuck up on me without me realizing I was going to have to move her out, and then I was sad. :(


  1. I think everyone goes through that---it's hard to let the spares go sometimes. Goodbye Rain, I hope she has a happy life!

    I have to say, that attack cat at the birthday party was awesome, haha! I've never seen a cat show up uninvited and then proceed to terrorize everyone, lol

    Marlin is pretty cute, despite his parents! =)

    1. I forgot how empty the house can seem when even one sim is missing. Although I think (or hope, certainly) that Rain will remain a part of their lives even from outside the household. :+)

      The cat was hilarious, I think it belongs to the Sekemotos who live next door. Leighton married an elderly Dorie Hart after her husband died, and they adopted a whole bunch of cats. xD

      I'm very happy with how well Marlin tuned out, heh.

      Thanks for reading!!

  2. You haven't had a smoke alarm for this long and this is the first time you've encountered a problem? Pretty lucky.

    I really like Rain, too! Come back and visit now and again.
